Christmas! The Burglars Nirvana!

Only 2 weeks till Christmas! Are you ready! From the volume of work that has come our way in the past weeks I would say..... not yet. As per last weeks memo we are focusing on some Christmas tips to help you protect your family and yourself this season. Last week we looked at your boat and why you should have it covered all year round and some of the additional benefits to be aware of. Today the focus is on your home.

As you stock up on gifts and take advantage of the sales through Summer, it isn't difficult to figure out why the Christmas Holidays is one of the peak times for Home break in's. Traditionally there is a spike in incidents of domestic burglary through December and January as organised groups target well stocked residential properties. Homes are regularly left unattended for extended periods due to social events, extended holidays, even shopping trips. We also tend to relax more and with the weather being warmer we leave windows open or some form of opening for ventilation. All of these things point to the perfect storm for Burglaries.

Careful Planning can help you reduce the likelihood of loss or damage due to burglary.
You also need to check your Home insurance policy wording for any limitations or warranties that might be written into the policy. A warranty is a condition that is mostly written around security. For example and insurance company may write an Alarm Warranty into your policy. This means that if have an alarm at your home and during a burglary it fails to go off or you did not engage it, then your claim may not be paid. It's important that if you have an alarm it is used and activated when you are not at home. 
An alarm can be a deterrent but it is more effective if you have it linked to a monitored back. This will send an alarm to a security company who will respond themselves or send police. Likewise with those warranties I mentioned, another one would be centred around the servicing of the alarm. If it is not serviced annually you may find a warranty on alarms catches you out once more. An alarm that simply goes sounds so the neighbourhood can hear it is good but often is not as responsive. These alarms are sometimes ignored by neighbours as they think it is nothing. Maybe just the cat moving around.
It's easy during summer to leave everything wide open when you head out. Always best to sweep round your house before you go out and lock all windows and doors. If the heat is a concern, close your blinds as this will help keep the heat out. What about the shed? Often even if this is left unlocked, thieves will find something in there to open a window or door. Have them fitted with a deadbolt.
It's also good if your home is well illuminated. If something moves outside your home sensor lighting can come on which instantly startles and makes thieves think twice about hitting your home. These can also be programmed for your internal lighting making it appear someone is home. Sensor activated lighting near entrances and on each corner of your house is a great deterrent. A battery operated radio within your home at a volume that can be detected from near your home will also add to the illusion that someone is home and strengthen your security.
Make sure the ringer on your phone is lowered if you're away. If someone hears it ringing again and again it makes people realise no one is home.
These are pretty simple tactics and in the most cost effective. A monitored alarm can also be linked to your smoke detectors meaning the security company will respond and contact the Fire Brigade.
If you're heading away for an extended holiday all the above should be put in place,but there is still nothing better then Mrs Smith at number 22. Your neighbours! Arrange for a neighbour to check your house and pick up your mail. Better still get some house sitters in.
Nothings worse then going away on holiday and coming back to find your belongings missing or strewn everywhere. Most thieves are looking for specific items like jewellery, cash, electronics. Small safes can be purchased from hardware stores for these items. If someone does in at least your valuables will be better protected.
So in summary take the time to make sure everything is ready before you go away. Think about additional security and get close to your neighbours. This is the best time of year and no one wants it ruined by not preparing for burglaries. Do it now! Not Christmas Eve.

*** Advice provided in of a general nature only and no consideration of any personal circumstances have been taken. Please always seek individual advice. Some information courtesy of Chubb Insurance. ***


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