What's in a Business Pack?

After a number of posts about protecting your home and personal belongings time to turn our thoughts to your business. This is our core service. It's the protection of your business that is paramount to our community. We have seen a number of real examples where companies with incorrect or even NO insurance have suffered a loss and simply had to close their doors. What many don't consider is the value of a business to the broader community by way of jobs and economic stimulus. For a small business with say 10 employees, that's 10 families affected. Those 10 are then linked to another 20 and so on so. If the business is key to an area it's not just the loss of jobs but loss of main attraction. Shoppers may not return to smaller outlets if the main one is gone, thus damaging employment and the economy in a town. You need to take a certain amount of risk in your business but having a complete and up to date business insurance policy in one area where you can shift tha...