Our Philosophy on life & business.


Most know of the story of William Wallace which was told on the big screen by Mel Gibson in 1995. Without going into a history lesson William had his young wife murdered by the invading English, then with his small band of men rallied all of Scotland to fight back and retake their home land.

Many similar stories of the persecuted fighting back exist in history where someone or a small group did all they could to help their community. Reality is it still happens today. Just look at the news and what is happening in places like Syria.

There is absolutely no way we are going to sit here and draw close parallels between any of the above actions and what we do! For starters Blue Face paint is a pain to get off!

However, in our industry giving back to the community is the basis of what we do.

When dealing with an insurance broker it is the only time you have someone working for you in regards to insurance. Unfortunately our community still doesnt understand the role of a broker. So often we hear, 'you just find the cheapest one right?' Wrong. Yes we try and find you a cost effective product for you business which is regularly the cheapest but just like when buying a car, cheap is sometimes not the best for your needs. Particularly in business.

When you deal in insurance you can do so directly with an insurance company or through an intermediary. When dealing directly you literally back yourself to understand the products and know that you are correctly protecting your business. If a claim arises, you go it alone. Do you know how the process works? How do you dispute a claim and what time frames must an insurer work to?

Our role is to protect your business. We work 100% for you, NOT the insurance companies. Our business is very much family oriented. Without family what is there? As business is such a vital part of the community it is our obligaiton to protect clients to the best of our ability. If a business fails it generally has a ripple affect and damages families and the wider community.

What can an Insurance broker do to help the community? Simple, by putting the customer first and thinking only about the welfare of that particular business. Your business needs to understand it's insurance and not simply throw it in the file. It is our role to educate and share knowledge with the business community which in turn protects it and it's families. Some insurance providers or intermediaries like to keep the technical side of the business a secret thus - according to them - making them more valuable to their clients because they know best. Why not share advice freely? We offer free advice everyday via our web and social media sites. Why should you only get advice at renewal time for a fee. If the business community understands how to protect itself better then the wider community can only benefit.

Whilst on educating and protecting your business,what do you pay for insurance and risk advice once a year? As an example we know a business who had their renewal posted to them, no phone call or visit. Now dont get me wrong thats ok for some clients, but when it arrives and your current service provider is charging you a $450 fee for their advice, you've got to ask some questions dont you? Particularly when you are a small retailer paying only $2,500 in premium. How is this protecting the community? Yes we need to get paid like any business but for a client like this our service fee is only $100, meaning this client can save $350 straight up by going with us. Earlier this morning we did check quotes for them and reviewed their asset schedule! So in the space of a morning they have had goodness knows how much more advice and service AND saved $350 off their bottom line. Keep an eye on your service fee's and ask yourself am I getting value for money?

For our business to be successful we need a succesful business community. We put you first and not only educate you all year round as required but will consider your financial position as well.
Thoughts of our own profits are way down the priority list. Yes we need them but not to the detriment of our community. By protecting it we will grow and be around for a long time to continue this community service.

 FAMILY     -      COMMUNITY      -      BUSINESS


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