So it's been awhile......

So it's been awhile...... I just checked the records on our weekly Blog the "Monday Memo" and it's been over 2 years!!! Our last Blog was a recap of the events of 2014 following our acquisition of Bowen Insurance Brokers in September. When starting out over 5 years ago we had every intention of providing a unique perspective of risks in more detail that are pertinent to everyday life. This blog was a weekly affair for some period then became monthly and as we got busier and busier has become bi annual! OK, so this was not the intention but when running a business you need to prioritise things. In 2017 I intend to get back to regular blogging once more. Might be fortnightly or even monthly but at least more consistent. How on earth do you put 2 years into a few paragraphs? From the moment we purchased Bowen IB in September 2014 our feet have not touched the ground. One of the key changes in that time aside from the obvious expansion was the need to relocate....