
Showing posts from December, 2013

2013,A year to remember.

Wow!! What a fast year! Yes I know it had the same number of days and hours as the rest (barring leap years) but this just seemed to go like a runaway train! There really was little chance to gain some breath this year as we went through a period of dramatic growth and handled a difficult year for our clients in regards to claims. Let's look back at an eventful 2013. After a few weeks off and a very mild Christmas period we walked straight into the tail of a cyclone here on The Mid North Coast. The region as far south as The Hunter Region was hammered by cyclonic winds and rain that went "up" the walls of peoples homes. Yes we had a number of clients suffer damage from rain being pushed back up under Roof eaves and into sealant under window sils.  The Insurer response on the whole to the 2 major events was rapid and well managed. For our part over 20% of our clients suffered some form of damage and lodged claims. Some clients had multiple and a handful of those ...

Tis the season.....

We highlighted this in a blog last year but thought it important to bring it back to the surface. We live in a very litigious society and one of the largest growth areas for claims is not Fires or storms, but in the sector we call Management Liability. This is a re hash yes but we have done a number of speaking engagements and meetings with clients on the importance of a good Management Liability in your business protection program. Events like staff Christmas parties are an example of when such a product would be important to have. Read on and let us know if you would like to discuss further. Only 2 weeks till Christmas which means we are deep in party mode. Time to tackle Work Christmas Parties. Yes they are everywhere at the moment and local restaurants and clubs are cashing in while they can. We love it! It's a great chance to relax after a hard year and forget office politics for a night. However these same office politics put on hold can surface during the night........