Is your property Summer safe?

As we work our way through the final days of Spring it's fair to say the warning signs for a difficult summer have been ever present. Winter kind of just ended early August and we went straight into a hot spell for a couple of months. Hot and Dry conditions meant the earth became tinder box dry and ready to ignite. As we know, ignite, it did. As areas of NSW burned in some of the worst fires on record little did we know what was around the corner. Water tanks were running dry and the earth - where not burnt - looked & Felt like a straw mat. Our fears were that more fires were to come, but this lil ol planet of ours did it's usual thing and produced the opposite. November has been awash with rain and destructive hail storms throughout most of the area. Port Macquarie and then Coffs Harbour both received significant hail storms. The Hunter Valley and New England also copped a pounding, whilst some flooding occurred in the lower Barrington region. This is just The Mid ...