Know your Car Insurance? Or Forza Ferrari!!

Last weeks memo showed you many of the 'additional benefits' included in our standard Home & Contents Policy. It's amazing how many people do not know all the extra features that are available to you and how vital these are in assisting you get back to the same position you were prior to a claim. It also puts some perspective on some of the pricing available in the market. It's not all doom and gloom! Today we move onto your Car insurance. I make no apologies for a being a car nut. OK so I cant tell you the In's and outs of every car like some or why one is better then another...... I just love em! The technology and the fact that designers can do what little boys love doing everyday, just draw cars. It's always fascinated me. Formula One technology is something I have loved since, well, as long as I can remember. As a lad I used to set the "VCR" through the 80's and then after school come home and watch the race. I'd keep away fro...