The 1st Memo

Welcome to the 1st Monday Memo. Our own Blog about what is happening in the industry that may impact on your business. Whilst the 1st couple of blogs will be more of an introduction to us, as we go on we will be providing information that we hope assists in the running of your business. Our blog will not only be in this format but we will do some You Tube live sessions as it is sometimes better hearing the words than seeing them. Pretty exciting times in our business. We have our first birthday this Saturday 30th Sept 2012! Yes a year has passed since opening the doors. Our business plan for year one was very clear. Like all start up businesses, 'Survive!' Not only have we obviously achieved this we have thrived and grown more than expected. On pure numbers our realistic thought was to end our first 12 months on par with where we started, to know we will finish well ahead is a great confident boost going into our 2nd year. Many wouldnt know that this first 12 months w...